Byron Anway
Q: Why do you love beer?
A: Seems self-explanatory:)
Q: What kind of beer are you brewing?
A: It's an English ale, a real ale. My hope is that it is delicious and normal.
Q: Are you brewing in honor of anyone? Would you like to say anything about their story?
A: When I started brewing for Kegs for the Cure I didn't really know anyone with cancer. Now both my parents have had cancer as well as friends, extended family, and people all across my life.
Q: Are you new to brewing or an experienced hand? How long have you been brewing for KFTC?
A: I started brewing when I finished graduate school and had some unexpected free time. It was really interesting to learn and experiment with new styles and share my beer with friends.
Q: What is your favorite beer or style?
A: Belgian Wit