Gordon Coke

Q: Why do you love beer?
A: I love the tastes of a carefully crafted beer almost as much as I love how beer brings people together. Connecting with loved ones and dear friends whilst nerding out about beer is one of my favorite ways to spend time.
Q: What kind of beer are you brewing?
A: I brewed 5 beers for this year's event. Molly and I visited Denver a month ago and after we guzzled a liter of German Helles, she said "you need to make that". I couldn't say no. The Helles style is a beer drinkers beer, a balance of malt and floral hops. I also brewed a gose with coriander and ancient saline groundwater pumped from beneath the saline wetlands north of Lincoln where I spend a lot of time during my day job. It is a truly unique local style of beer that can't be brewed anywhere else in the world. I will also have kegs of Belgian Golden Strong ale and a stout infused with smoked Palo Santo wood.
Finally, I brewed a wheat beer with my Dad in memory of his mom using a perennial grain called Kernza from Kansas. But I'll let him talk more about that. My DIY genes are from him and brewing and tinkering with all the parts of homebrewing is yet another way we connect while drinking beer.
Q: Are you brewing in honor of anyone? Would you like to say anything about their story?
A: Every year, I dedicate one of my beers to my late mother-in-law, Kathy Francis. She was the inspiration for Kegs for the Cure and her memory lives on at the event every year. Tough as Hell (German Helles) was brewed for her this year.
Q: Are you new to brewing or an experienced hand? How long have you been brewing for KFTC?
A: I started homebrewing in 2007 and have brewed for every KFTC event.
Q: Do you have any favorite memories, interesting opinions, or otherwise notable things to relate about your love for brewing?
A: I love homebrewing culture. A brewday with family and friends on my driveway is one of my favorite days. Once a brewday starts, the beer's success depends on specific steps and with my scattered brain and busy life, homebrewing forces me to focus on those steps for 4-5 hours until the job is finished. I have met some of my closest friends through Kegs for the Cure. The positivity and camaraderie of the event grow every year.
Q: What is your favorite beer or style?
A: Depends on the day. Lately West Coast IPAs and classic Czech lagers are my jam.
Q: Anything else you’d like to say?
A: The event succeeds due to the dedication of the amazing brewers. The beer quality has made big strides over the past 10 years and I am very excited for this year's lineup! Cheers!!