Zach Fenton
Q: Why do you love beer?
A: Beer is delicious, nutritious, and more interesting than all my other hobbies.
Q: What kind of beer are you brewing?
A: I brewed a single hop beer which falls in the IPA category for hop bitterness. The hop (Bru 1) imparts some tropical fruit aroma and flavor.
Q: Are you brewing in honor of anyone? Would you like to say anything about their story?
A: I brewed this in memory of a good family friend and brewing friend, Dave Oenbring.
Q: Are you new to brewing or an experienced hand? How long have you been brewing for KFTC?
A: I have been brewing a while, but bringing beer for KFTC for about 6 years.
Q: Do you have any favorite memories, interesting opinions, or otherwise notable things to relate about your love for brewing?
A: Practice makes your beer better. The more you practice the more friends you need, to help you drink all of your beer. I could always find room for another friend.
Q: What is your favorite beer or style?
A: I only drink good beer (hoppy styles). No relation to Harry.
Q: Anything else you’d like to say?
A: Lacy is a better brewer than I am.